It's mid March. Our test field, Lavender Hill planted in July seems to be struggling after its first winter with lots of rain and a few cold snaps.
Lavender plants go dormant in the winter and can take time to show signs of growth in the spring. Most of our plants are shedding dead leaves and turning woody - more than expected. We're hopeful with the new green growth at the base of some of our plants that they are waking up and will come back to life soon. Lavender is very resilient, and known to even bounce back in the worst of conditions. I plan to pruned the plants at the end of April to encourage more growth.
Surprised that our smaller Folgate and Sachet plants seem to be doing better than the Phenomenal and Grosso. Will update test field stats in June and think about how we can provide better drainage for our next lavender field. Looking forward to lots of sunshine and growth this spring.